Safety Officer CourseOccupational health and safety administration course
Course contents :- Schedule: hours daily, days a week 1- Introduction to health and safety 2-Safety signs 3-Personnel Protective equipment 4-Fire types and prevention 5-Fire extinguishers 6-First Aid 7-Work station and work posture 8-Electrical hazards and safety 9-Compressed gas cylinders and safety 10-Dealing with chemicals 11-Scaffolding 12-Welding cutting 13-Near miss incident & accident and injuries 14-Confined space 15-Emergency Procedure 16- Slip, trip and fall Protection 17-Rigging & Crane safety 18-Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) 29-Hydrogen Sulfide 20-Excavation 21-Work with Fork Lifters 22-Communicating H&S 23-Safe system of work 24-Permit to work procedure 25-Revision of 1 to 6 topics 26- Revision of 7 to 12 27 Revision of 3 to 18 28 Revision of 19 to 24 29 Written test 30 Viva